Welcome 歡迎!

各位 朋友仔,歡迎來到 「MACAO VAST 全視澳門」 展覽!

Welcome to the "MACAO VAST" exhibition!

說起澳門,你們想起的是各種旅遊景點 ,節慶習俗 ,還是中葡美食

Speaking of Macau, do you think of various tourist attractions, festive customs, or Chinese and Portuguese cuisine?

有無想過下一刻它們 直接出現在你面前?

Have you ever thought about them appearing directly in front of you the next moment?

「MACAO VAST 全視澳門」 將以全新 視覺體驗館形式,

"MACAO VAST" will take us a new visual experience


which in a new perspective, new way and new experience!

準備好了嗎?我們一齊進入冒險世界 啦!

Are you ready? Let's enter the world of adventure together!

場地介紹 Site Introduction



「MACAO VAST全視澳門」展覽有3個大展區,分別以知識性、科學性和趣味性並重的互動展品為主,讓參觀者從體驗的過程中享受探索澳門的樂趣。

Macao Science Center is a museum based in science themed. It is designed by the famous architect I.M. Pei. It has won the Guinness world record and is listed as the world's highest resolution three-dimensional planetarium. Its purpose is to promote popular science education, high-tech and science communication for young people. The main building area is about 20,000 square meters, and the total area of 14 exhibition halls and atrium is about 5,800 square meters.

12 long-term exhibition halls and two special exhibition halls that are replaced in time.

"MACAO VAST" exhibition has three parts, focusing on interactive exhibits with equal emphasis on knowledge, science and interest, so that visitors can enjoy the fun of exploring Macao in the process of experience.

創作理念 Creative Concept

「MACAO VAST全視澳門」以新型投影及互動技術作為表現核心,以高質量插畫、設計及人性化體驗服務作為文化創意元素,重點對澳門文化世遺景點、新舊建築、社區歷史古蹟、風景旅遊及節慶文化習俗,以新穎有趣的形式進行重塑及以體驗館方式呈現,並以有效推進澳門旅遊、增加多元化文化旅遊體驗及建立澳門文化旅遊品牌形象。

"MACAO VAST" takes new projection and interactive technology as the core of expression, with high-quality illustration, design and humanized experience services as cultural and creative elements. It focuses on reshaping Macao's cultural heritage sites, the buildings, community historical sites, scenic tourism and Festival cultural customs in novel and interesting forms and presenting them in the form of experience pavilions, so as to effectively promote Macao's tourism increase diversified cultural tourism experience and establish Macao's cultural tourism brand image.


在這個面積超過4000ft²的視覺體驗館,除了有大型主題打卡裝置及主題科普內容外,我們還設置了數不清的AR互動內容,只要看到任何QR code或AR互動的圖示,請盡請地使用手機進行掃描,掃描成功後即可享受體驗,讓您更了解澳門!

The central square of no less than 4000ft² has large-scale themed punch-in dolls and popular science content, so that everyone can take pictures to commemorate it, and participate in the AR interactive experience with environmental sound effects, scan it with your mobile phone to get relevant information and let you know more about Macau!

01 第一課

懸浮全息影像展示區 Suspended Holographic Image Area

運用 視覺暫留的原理生成 懸浮全息影像,兩組影像裝置將同時展示多款立體全息模型,令每個澳門 世遺景點以不同角度全方位投射出來,讓 大眾感官上產生立體視覺,彷彿置身環境之中。

The principle of visual persistence is used to generate suspended holographic images. Two sets of image devices will display a variety of three-dimensional holographic models at the same time, so that each Macao World Heritage site can be projected from different angles in an all-round way, so that the public can have three-dimensional vision in their senses, as if they are in the environment.



Using the scientific principle of visual persistence, a continuous and complete image is gradually formed through the high-speed rotating LED device. The LED device locates the angle, speed and position of each light-emitting diode (LED bulb) by microprocessor and sensor, and then sends a signal to each light-emitting diode (LED bulb), so as to create a realistic three-dimensional image.

視覺暫留(英文:Persistence of vision)也稱為正片後像,是光對視網膜所產生的視覺,在光停止作用後,仍然保留一段時間的現象,其具體應用是電影的拍攝和放映。原因是由視神經的反應速度造成的,其時值約是1/16秒,對於不同頻率的光有不同的暫留時間。是現代影視、動畫等視覺媒體製作和傳播的根據。比如:我們日常使用的日光燈每秒大約熄滅100餘次,但我們基本感覺不到日光燈的閃動。這都是因為視覺暫留的作用。

Suspended holographic projection is a photographic technology that records all the information of the reflected light wave of the subject. The light reflected or transmitted by the object can be completely reconstructed through the film. When viewing the image from different angles, a visual stereoscopic effect will be produced, and a group of 6 stereoscopic holograms are displayed. The model will make you feel like you are in it.

02 第二課

導電觸碰互動區 Conductive Touch Interaction Area

一個繽紛彩色的 澳門,需要您來一起點亮!在導電石墨互動區內,大家可以通過 觸碰牆上不同的圖案,一同 亮起璀璨奪目的澳門,體驗適合每一個大人小孩,不容錯過!

A colorful Macao needs you to light it up together! In the conductive touch interaction area, you can touch different patterns on the wall to light up the dazzling Macao together, and experience that is suitable for every adult and child. You can't miss it!



The audience can freely touch the interactive touch wall and enjoy the animation feedback generated by the corresponding area on the wall, so that the original static illustrations can instantly become vivid and interesting dynamic demonstrations. Through interactive projection technology and conductive ink and material technology, the public can have a magical visual interactive experience just by simple contact.



The human body is a conductor. During metabolism, the positive and negative ions on the cell membrane will quickly enter and leave the cell membrane to produce bioelectricity. All activities, including breathing and thinking, are completed by conducting bioelectricity. When people touch the interactive wall, the conductive materials on the wall will form an electric circuit with the human body. The system will produce a relatively interactive image through induction and recognition! This inherent weak current of human body is completely harmless to us. Please feel free to experience it!

03 第三課

360°環形全景體驗 360°Circular Panoramic Area

「360°全景環形投影區」透過LED 環形閉合,完整呈現澳門全境城市、景觀、人文及 文化遺產面貌。透過全景視覺體驗, 大家可近距離欣賞澳門城市風貌,參與有趣 互動遊戲,彷彿親身遊歷澳門每個角落!

"360 ° Circular Panoramic Area" is closed in a circular shape with LEDs, presenting the entire city, landscape, culture and heritage of Macau. Through the panoramic visual experience, everyone can enjoy the city scenery of Macau and participate in interesting interactive games, as if visiting every corner of Macau!



The ring map hides all kinds of Easter eggs, including World Heritage, Intangible Cultural Heritage, culture, festivals, customs, food, etc. If you scan it with the mobile phone, you can get relevant information and let you know more about Macau!

主辦單位 Organizer
合辦單位 Co-organizer
技術支持單位 Technical Support Units
支持單位 Support Units
場地支持 Venue Support